Arends Ebike and RDD Holland
E-Mobility Solutions

RDD Holland in Dülmen Germany

Arends Ebike in Dülmen Germany, started the import of e-bikes a long time ago. Before importing the ebikes, RDD Holland took care of product management for these e-bikes. 

The combination of sales and market knowledge in the field of e-bikes from Mr. Arends, and the extensive experience of RDD Holland in the technical field of e-bike and e-scooter developments, was a logical choice, after years of collaboration, to merge skills into 1 organization.

RDD Holland Integrated into Arends Ebike

All activities RDD Holland performed before, are now done under the name Arends Ebike.

Therefore we will be 

 Coordination and management of the following processes within Arends Ebike

  • Logistics
  • Afterservice
  • Warranty
  • Spareparts
  • Development
  • Technical support to suppliers and manufacturers

That is why we now use the name, Arends, Research Design and Development.

In short,

Arends RDD